Monday, June 20, 2011

Why Potluck Suicide?

Nobody's exactly certain what Potluck Suicide is, nor will they ever really know - but the following might contain some helpful lamp-posts: In the midst of our ever-growing, Orwellian cyber-world, internet dialogue keeps popping up similar to what's pasted below:
scholar and fool  wrote:
[...] (sort of like
my irreplaceable _potluck suicide_ grr.)
Dude, i had that cassette! IIRC the lyrics went something like this
"it was a potluck suicide, wonder why he died, we all know but we
don't wanna tell" (oh well, it's been a looooong time). I loved that
tape until it inexplicabilly disappeared from my collection. I tore
the house apart but it was gone.
It still bothers me that i lost that one.
that's the one. great stuff. i still have the case with the liner,
but no cassette. i would love it if i could find someone who has it
and has transferred it to mp3 or wav or could make me a dub. or maybe
if someone knows how we could get a copy. that would rock.
Back in college some friends recorded some songs. This was a season of life built on 3-D bricks and a particular iconic, yellow brick. The first collection of songs was entitled "Potluck Suicide" - which some considered to be the name of the band. One particular "friend" named John Mabry is partly to thank (or blame?) for this project. The influences included the likes veterans Daniel Amos and DEVO - along with some side-path experimental artists such as Laurie Anderson, The Residents as well as the Pebbles and Bam Bam duet. Some songs were "performed" at various minor gigs. Following the recording of the initial collection of tunes, a stream-lined recording was made with two additional songs ("Pastor on a Stick" and "Cabbage"). This came to be known by most as the first "Potluck Suicide" album (considered by innumerable masses and mobs to be a true... classic). This cover art dawned a bleak white-out look as opposed to the original black-n-blue out cover art. Both were designed by a very gifted, and vocational artist named Andy H (that part has no tongue-in-cheek). You may peruse the white-out version at the Key Records archive page by going here. Thanks to people like Bruce Heavin, Tom Stephenson, Jeani Bond, Erin Hooper, and Dan Kennedy - among many others - a number of copies of this cassette got into the hands of people in some distant locales (including Belgium - believe it or not - those poor people). Many copies were sold at a new music stand at one particular Cornerstone festival outside Chicago (as someone reminded me just recently by email - the song "One Inch from Dumb" appeared on the ACM journal compilation CD - thanks to Tom Stephenson, and the song was played on radio stations all the way from Hawaii, to Seattle, to Florida, to Europe...). A follow-up album was also recorded entitled "Stan Was A Plush Toy" which was an obscure kind of allegory of sorts featuring sandbox life and armies of Grand Torinos - among other things (view here - art also designed by Andy H). As if that weren't enough ("please stop"), we recorded an "unreleased" tape of songs entitled "We've Never Listened to Marc Plainguet (but we'd probably like his stuff)." To this day, virtually nobody has heard the songs on the latter album, although some "live" versions of its content have been presented at New Years' Eve events within our local food-fellowship circle - along with the commonly requested song "Potluck Suicide" - sung during actual potlucks. Typically a good time is had by all.

It's probably needless to say that these tunes are dripping with irony, contain much humor, and on occasion might even fit the category of "student art" (although the songs do have a point - at least most of them : ) - every now and then a listener might stumble upon something very serious). There is a certain Erasmus-ian In Praise of Folly element to much of the lyrical content which can certainly be influential - as "Folly" was on Luther, although I make no claims to be much of either of the aforementioned.

There have been a number of requests that these previously recorded songs would find their way online in some newer formats but until then, it's been discovered that some of them are being played on underground radio stations that feature offbeat play-lists. One internet station of this variety is called "Regeneration Radio Live 365" and may be accessed by going right here. So... go there... and check out a unique radio station with some bands you've probably never heard of. Here is also another station that mentions Eric H from Potluck Suicide on the playlist.

We're thankful for many of these kindred spirits because, among other reasons, through them we're able to develop a much needed outlet for connection with people of similar interests. This site partly for some to experience "closure" - and partly for others to delve into a new opening. Who knows, maybe in the future previous music will be available on CD / online downloads - etc - and maybe we'll go back into the "studio" to cook up some new material. Until then, there remains a plethora of fellow pot-luckers - including people from the past, present, and future - who are interested in exchanging recipes regarding music, art, books, history, food-fellowships, and our old friend Tom Foolery. If you don't know Tom, you might take some time once in a little while to get acquainted with him.

This site will feed on both the old and the new. Feel free to email about any of the above as well as forwarding any/all your own links to be thrown into Ms. Potter's famous "linkage casserole."

Good luck. Eat up.  

Your Friends,
Potluck Suicide


  1. oh. that brings me back. cornerstone rad rockers tape. go cd. or better yet mp3

  2. Oh man. He wasn't in a church group. He wasn't in a prayer group. He didn't have a prayer in his group.

    He didn't bring any green beans or mashed potatoes, either.


  3. Hey Steve,
    Yes. Rad Rockers. Thanks for the tips, also.
    Your Friend,
    -Eric H

  4. Gary,
    You got it. Not a prayer & not a dish. He's out.
    -Eric H

  5. Oh wow! Not THAT album!

  6. Stacy..., yeah, sorry about that :/

    Ms. Bond;
    Yes, it's been quite an enigma. I'm still not certain who "Eric Hann" is, but I have been told I have one or two Dostoevsky-an "doubles" (or triples?) out there.

    -Eric H

  7. Eric,
    Thanks for the blog!! Many fond memories of your music when I was in youth group and college.

    I can't wait til your songs on CD (or whatever else)!! I still have your cassette tapes, but I think I played them too much! hahaha I don't think they work anymore.

    By the way, I can not remember where "Pilot" came from. :( How sad is that?

    Looking forward to reading more!
    Pilot Jenny

  8. Hey Pilot (Jenny)

    Thanks! - Those cassette tapes have found many uses for many different people. If you have a table that wobbles a little, you could always... : )

    And... yes... Pilot... that's "sad" :D

    Here's a useless history reminder: The designation "pilot" morphed into a term of endearment in a certain youth group setting because... one youth leader happened to be a part-time, temporary employee at "the happiest place on earth" in a section known as "Tomorrowland Attractions." Hence, this youth worker, when at his "other job" regularly addressed "Rocket Jet" riders through his little microphone by saying... "ATTENTION PILOTS... remain seated please, permance sentados (?) por favor etc etc."

    So... there you have it. Useless history : D


  9. I remember that tape. It hurt me. I got cut.

  10. Ouch. Brad, um... sorry about that : /
    -Eric H

  11. It's ok. Things can sometimes hurt in a good way.

  12. Pastor Eric,

    I have Potluck on CD. If you want it, let me know.

  13. Yes, I'd like to have a copy of that!

    Is it the white cassette version (with two additional songs "Pastor on a stick" and "cabbage") - or the original black/blue cassette version which includes the simple ballads?

  14. This one is black and blue, but it is all yours.

    Where do you want me to send it?

    P.S. Did yo want me to edit out the simple ballads?

  15. Yes, send it. You can edit out the ballads.

    1102 Mallory Dr.
    Chariton, IA

    but... who is this?

  16. Pastor Eric,

    It took me several weeks to find my Potluck Suicide CD. I have made a copy of the CD and I have sent it on to Iowa.

    I laughed my ass off listening to it on the way to work. If one can hear beyond the cheap keyboards and drum machines (1980s vintage--not your fault), there is a genius at work. Great job.

    Your mixture of quirky, music motifs delivered with humorous satire does not at all soften the blow of the brick wall of truth behind several of the songs, especially "That Thing (Is Scientifically Inaccurate)." There is no middle ground, either you're in or you're out--only a fool thinks he can plot a middle course.

    Potluck Suicide reminds us that there can be severe consequences for not shining God's light to a increasingly darkening world, even when it is "inconvenient" for us to do so.

    And Living Together reminds me of the folly of "shopping around" for a religion that aligns with our own selfish and limited perspective. God is the creator of all things, and His character endures beyond our attempts to form Him into our image(s).

    I love your subtle, and understated, style. LOL

    Tim from MCBC in the 80s.

  17. Hey Tim,

    Great to hear from you - and good post with good insight.

    One thing about those cheap keyboards - etc - was that the original intent there was a certain level of annoyance (sort of a Mother's of Invention exercise in annoyance :)). Even at that time, those sounds were retro, so... it really kind of was/is my fault - lol. In retrospect, I personally still like many of the low-fi sounds of the early 80's (devo, sparks etc), it's the slick, polished stuff of the later 80's I don't care that much for (depeche, omd).

    Anyway, thanks again!

  18. Wow! You guys mentioned my name in the title of your unreleased 3rd album? How great is that?! Seriously, I remember having the 1st Potluck Suicide tape and really wish I could remember what happened to it. It sounds like you guys had the same influences I did (which may explain why you'd probably like my stuff). Please do what you can to make your old recordings available. Why not release that 3rd album while you're at it?

    Marc Plainguet

  19. No way! THEE Marc Plainguet. How great is this!? We've now actually... heard Marc Plainguet (thanks to listening to Regeneration Radio), and... as predicted... we like his stuff!

    We'll definitely work on getting the old recordings available - including the unreleased 3rd one with your namesake. It might take a little while especially with the 3rd one - having to feed extra protein to the hamsters turning the generator wheels and everything. Also, some of the scotch tape and used gum holding together sections of the audio tape will need to be replaced.

    We're also planning on looking up Marc Plainguet stuff... but... where to begin for introductions... we'll figure something out.

    Btw - Fountain Valley, Ca. That's very familiar stomping grounds for us. I (Eric) have a number of friends who graduated from FVHS (my wife went to Bolsa :))

  20. Oh, I didn't know you guys had any California connections. To be honest, I had no idea where you guys hailed from. I am working on putting the old stuff on Bandcamp and I'll try and get you codes to get it all. I had your first tape and can't find it now. I'll definitely get it all again when you make it available. We sure did have similar influences.

  21. Cool. We'll be looking forward to that... btw - this 1993-94 unreleased album (tape): "We've Never Listened to Marc Plainguet (but we'd probably like his stuff)" has been successfully retrieved and is in process of being transerred to digital (CD/Mp3). Hopefully it will be made available soon - at least with online Mp3s - probably on Myspace and maybe on LastFM. We're still very new to the "cyber" options - etc. Looking forward to your stuff being available - would love to have it from everything I've heard thus far. Definitely similar influences - kindred tastes and interests.

  22. i'm internet famous! (i'm the "scholar and fool" quoted above.) interestingly, the cassette i had (of which only the case and liner seem to exist now) contained "pastor on a stick" and "cabage" - and they were listed on the liner, but was printed in black/blue. did i have a super rare copy that's worth untold treasures?! also, years ago, an anonymous source on the internet tracked me down (via the above quoted post) and sent me a digital copy of the album. of which i was eternally grateful. except it was 10 songs, where "as one (reprise)" and "only living together" were as one track (i think the guy who ripped the album just didn't split them), and which didn't include "pastor on a stick" or "cabbage" (or "communion cavity"). (which - even though it was awesome to hear the songs again - sucked, because i liked "pastor on a stick".) these 3 other tracks (6, 7, and 9) don't align with songs on the cassette i had (that i recall, since i hadn't heard it for years). so...can i get song titles? my liner has: pastor on a stick, as one (reprise), she had red hair, only living together, doin disney on a sunday morn, cabage, gimme my donkeys, potluck suicide, that thing, communion cavity, when we'll be as one. the copy i got has: potluck suicide, that thing, as one (reprise), only living together, she had red hair, doin disney on a sunday morn, 6?, 7?, gimme my donkeys, 9?, when we'll be as one. is this the original cassette? (also, you commented on my blog back then and i sent you a copy of the digital copy i got a copy of.:) also, i'd love to hear the 2nd and 3rd album!

    1. Scholar and fool! Fabulous! In spite of our long-term disappearance acts, we are trying to get our act together - and release these things. Hopefully on bandcamp... keep you fingers crossed, but don't hold your breath, unless you have unusual perseverance for that : ) -Potluck

  23. I heard "One Inch From Dumb" and loved it, so I went on to get Potluck Suicide and Stan Was a Plush Toy. As a fan of Laurie Anderson and They Might Be Giants this stuff was right up my alley.

    I had transferred my cassettes to a CD several years ago, and finally got around to adding them to my iPod. Fond memories. I'd love to hear more!

  24. Eric H., is it possible to orderStan Was A a Plush Toy and the 3rd album that you made? I really enjoy Potluck Suicide! I am willing to pay you for your efforts. If no longer available, anyone else have?


    Kris Harken

    1. Kris - hoping to to that! We really are working on it. Thanks for touching base here! -P.S.
