Monday, May 28, 2012

Jane Eyre - Will the real film adaptation please stand up?

I love the book Jane Eyre. This might be a shock to some since I'm a homo-saphien of the male gender. Unfortunately, I've yet to find a film I deem to do the book justice. The most recent (2011) hollywood film portrays Jane as being both too pretty, as well as too dead-pan. Introspective and respectful need not be dead-pan. Why would Rochester be drawn at all to this... zombie? Then there's the ending. I guess hollywood is phobic of the religious element found in the ending of the book. All this on top of glossing through other plot elements and...

I've seen the 1996 adaptation, which was fair, as well as the 1943 version which I found to follow the book pretty well - until it completely axes the missionary character. Maybe they ran out of money and decided to jump to the ending?

Anyway, next stop is a BBC version as well as a PBS version I've heard about.



  1. This site really is eclectic. From punk rock to Victorian lit?

    1. Welcome to Potluck Suicide.

