Thursday, July 2, 2015

Why GRAND is still Matt and Kim's Best Album

GRAND remains the best album by Matt and Kim. We have reasons for standing firm on this. Bands so often start with a bang - like a firecracker in a garage. Then, they begin to venture into the house, with a few tech toys, while still working in the garage. Too often, at some juncture, they leave the garage completely, never to return again.

Hence, Matt and Kim. Their rare, lo-fi debut - is really good. It's a firecracker in the garage (yeah yeah!). But then there's GRAND - venturing in and out of the garage. Songs slightly more polished, but still raw. Like very early post-punk. It's just... terrific. With LIGHTNING, they moved into the house. Unlike others, we actually feel there are elements we like better on NEW GLOW as compared to LIGHTNING. The experiments are bolder. Yeah "GET IT" is a pop song but GET over IT. So what?

But GRAND is still the grandest.

Just give "Lessons Learned" a re-listen, and learn your lesson.



  1. I don't know. I think I like Lightning better than Glow, for sure.

  2. I like their progression but I think u r right.

  3. I like the debut best.
