Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ethel Mae Potter Got the Shaft

I've always thought Ethel Mae Potter got the shaft. She goes through her hometown on the way to Hollywood and people mistakenly think she's the one looking forward to a career in tinsel-town.

So what?

Why can't Ricky just bite the bullet and let her have the spotlight on this occasion? Is this such a huge loss for Ricky? What is it that she did to justify the brutal, public humiliation they put her through? (see by going right here).

This has always burned me, and it's not funny. Not at all.

-Eric H


  1. Dude. I think you're taking that way to serious. It's just a tv show.

  2. Brad, I have to call it like I see it.

    -Eric H

  3. Dude. I'm just saying you're to serious about this. These people are not real. Who cares?

  4. That's just the problem. Ethel gets the shaft and nobody seems to care.

    -Eric H
